Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Summer Recap

Well, it is pretty late but I am waiting up for my cheesecake to get home...uhh, I mean husband (Thanks jel for sending some cheesecake back with him...you're the best!). Well, it has been 1 1/2 weeks since we came back to Calgary (me and the boys) while JTB stayed back to finish work on his dad's garage and some other reno work at his sister's house. He has been a busy guy this summer...We can't wait for him to get home.
This summer has been great. It was nice to leave our home for 6 weeks and live like gypsies...I counted and I think I packed our bags and moved 5 different times throughout our little visit down south. It worked out fantastically and we really appreciated everyone opening up their homes and letting us house sit while you were away. And for Jewel and Kendall letting us unexpectedly drop in on them and stay for a week while we sorted out the small incident with Tan's overlly hydrated carpets. I have to admit, I got a little spoiled and became a little too accustomed to the pleasures of small town life and the extra comforts of your incredible homes. Truly, I was a bit disappointed when I pulled back up to my house last week and was welcomed by my itty-bitty, weed-infested--scorched flowers, mess of a yard....after enjoying Tan's enormous, perfectly manicured yard and the fresh produce from her amazing garden, it was definitely a disappointment. Well, not to sound snobbish or anything, but the disappointment didn't end there...all thanks to my stay at "The Manor" (the KJAMBD residence)no doubt...as when I opened my door and stepped inside after being away for 6 weeks, I was a bit surprised by the lack of space. Anyway, the shock of being back home is starting to wear off (though I am trying to scrounge up extra space by converting our crawlspace to a playroom...if it works I will post pics), and we are starting to settle back into our life in the big city. I really did miss our little community here and I am glad to be back. It was great to see Heather and Chad when we got back. Thank you guys for the awesome meal and the great company. I am so glad that you guys are still here...don't move ever...or at least wait until we do to...
This is what we have been up to this summer....

Oscar is growing soo fast. He is such a great and happy baby.

Making some progress on Jeremy's dad's garage.

Lots of family time. It was so great to see everyone.
finally made some sock monkey's. Thanks Jewel for all your help.
It was a great summer. We sure love you guys.


  1. Yeah I'd almost giving up checking in here! Great post. I love all the pictures and it really was awesome to have you so close by!

  2. Great post Crystal! We are sorry that our trips didn't line up but we were definitely thinking about you while we were down visiting Tan and Jewel. We kept thinking each day that you would suddenly show up.
    I was in the room when JTB got the piece of cheesecake for you. It was neat to hear about it from your side.

    - C

  3. When did you start posting again? As if you never told me sooner....
